Friday, September 9, 2011

Read Free, Chuck's Short Sci-fi Stories

Sweet Kimber Rella
A short sci-fi story by Chuck Keyes

          While toting her only pillow and blanket, Kimber crawled out her attic bedroom window onto the roof. Under her bare feet, the roof's asphalt shingles are still warm from the day's sunny rays beating down on South Texas like a raining fire. She spread out her blanket and lied down on it, flat on her back, with her pillow under her head, allowing her pretty brown eyes to gaze up at the nighttime universe. The sky appears as black velvet, spotted with countless shimmering diamonds, and a bright full moon casting a soft light upon Kimber's perfectly shaped body.
          Nearly every night, after her stepfather and her three stepbrothers pass out with their bottles of whiskey, Kimber enjoys her secret alone time on the roof. A time when she can dream about an upcoming new life, when her handsome champion will arrive to take her far, far away from her wicked stepfather and his three sons, Rufus, Horace, and Cletus. Her daily job consists of waiting on them like a slave woman. Every day they constantly make sexual advances toward her, pawing and sniffing her as if she's a female hound dog in heat. There's no escape from this hell they've happily created for her. She can no longer attempt to run away, ever since they installed an electronic dog fence around the house. If she steps beyond the invisible boundary, loud sirens and flashing red lights warn them she's trying to escape. For perhaps the millionth time, Kimber yanked on the brass paddle lock that secures the electronic dog collar around her neck, always praying the lock might magically open, freeing her of a life so grim.
          Before she crawled out of the attic window, Kimber slipped on her mother's sexy nightgown over her naked body. The beautiful old gown is made of sheer lavender colored silk with white carnations embroidered within. Her mother gave her the nightgown a few weeks before she mysteriously passed away on the day Kimber graduated from high school. It's the nightgown her mother wore for Kimber's father on their wedding night, the day before the Air Force shipped him overseas to forever disappear, presumed dead when the F-Sixteen jetfighter he was piloting crashed into the Persian sea.
          Even though her mother's gown has some worn holes and rips in it, Kimber enjoys wearing it under the stars upon the roof. The nightgown adds to her never-ending dreams of freedom and boundless love, hoping her sexy body will draw her handsome knight to her like a bear to sweet honey.
          While lying down on the roof, she likes to position her body in different sexy poses, as if she's posing for a Playboy photographer. She looked down at her body and she blushed, upon realizing one of her large caliber size nipples is protruding through a worn hole in her mother's nightgown. She blushed as if her handsome hero can actually see her body from the universe above, and then she giggled like a child while pulling her gown way up over her knees to give her imagined lover a sexy view of her gorgeous thighs. She stretched her arms out like wings and arched her back, allowing her beasts to protrude upward like majestic twin mountains.
          Suddenly, she noticed the running lights from an airplane flying directly overhead. At first, she thought the passengers might be looking down at her, but then she realized the plane has stopped moving.
          Maybe it's a helicopter, she thought while gazing up at its bright blue, green, and red running lights. It's now hovering above like a giant dragonfly. A few minutes drifted by, and then she noticed the helicopter is rapidly becoming larger.
          Oh my God, it looks like the chopper is going to land directly on top of me. Fear seized her body, firmly holding  her as if she's caught in a huge spider's web. Panic took hold of her for a moment, but then she figured death has to be a heavenly joy compared to her pitiful life of being a captive slave. A tortured prisoner who's not allowed any freedom.
          The unidentified object has stopped moving, hovering about a hundred feet above her. It appears to be larger than her stepfather's house. It's shaped like a giant ocean dwelling stingray with a silver colored belly, two curved wings, and a long tail.
          A bright blinding beam of bluish light unexpectedly discharged downward from the belly of the hovering space monster. After the light dissipated, Kimber required a few minutes for her eyes to refocus back to the soft moonlight. As if it instantly vanished like a ghost ship, the strangely shaped aircraft is nowhere in sight. She glanced around roof, and her heart jolted with shock to see someone sitting on the roof with her, not more than fifteen feet away. The unknown dark figure resembles the shape of a man, and right away, she can tell this mysterious man is not her evil stepfather or stepbrothers. Besides, the four of them are too fat to crawl out the window onto the roof. They're fat dirty pigs she cooks three enormous meals for everyday. Sometimes she imagines them eating too much, and they all explode at once, leaving behind a ton of horrifying gore in which she'd be happy to clean up.
          The strange man raised his right hand and slowly waved at her. "Hello, my name is Jarrod. Do you have a name?"
          She surprisingly blinked upon realizing the hand he's waving has seven long fingers. It took her a few minute to work the nerve to reply. "Yes…hello Jarrod, my name is Kimber…Kimber Rella."
          "Kimber, may I move closer to you?"
          "Yes," she nodded, and then she quickly straightened out the bunched up corners of her thick cotton blanket to give him room to sit down.
          The mysterious man stood up and slowly walked toward her along the angled rooftop.
          She can see he's tall, thin, with a broad chest.
          Jarrod sat down next to her and offered her a wide smile. No one has given her such a friendly warm smile since before her mother past away nearly five years ago.
          She can now see his alien face. Besides having extra large eyes and ears, Jarrod resembles a handsome human male. The moonlight is reflecting off his large eyes, making them appear to possess every color in the rainbow.
          "Kimber, while I was voyaging through your solar system, near your planet, my ship's scanners noticed you sitting upon this wooden dwelling, and they sensed your deep sadness."
          "Jarrod, there are billions of women on earth, so why would your ship's scanners notice me?"
          "I recently programmed my ship's scanners to seek out a female with extreme external qualities and a special uniqueness from within her essence of life. I was on my way to the Green-light Nebula to scan an inhabited planet for this special female I'm searching for; however, my ship plotted a shortcut through your galaxy, and to my revelation, I discovered your planet earth. Upon realizing your human species is closely related to my race, I ordered my ship to scan your planet and quickly transplant your worldwide technology, history, and languages into my brain."
          Kimber couldn't help from repeatedly glancing at Jarrod's amazing alien hands. They're to some extent similar to human hands, but they each have seven fingers, including one shaped like a human thumb, but much longer. Each finger also has an extra jointed knuckle, making them about three inches longer. She imagined how awesome it would be to walk along a beautiful sunny beach while holding Jarrod's alien hand. She also noticed his huge feet, figuring his boot size has to be beyond twenty. 
          "Kimber, if you don't mind me asking, I'd like you to explain to me why you're so sad?"
          For the next hour and a half, Kimber explained how dreadful her stepfather and stepbrothers have been treating her ever since her mother past away. Many times during her explanation, tears formed in her eyes while she recalled some of the many situations where she was cruelly punished for making minor mistakes, such as the time her stepfather noticed a thin layer of dust on top of the refrigerator. He forced her to stand at attention for an entire day while closely facing the side of the kitchen, and to worsen her punishment, he forced her to wear just her old raggedy bra and panties. Every time her stepbrothers walked by, they'd laugh at her and pinch her buttocks, creating painful black and blue welts. She also told Jarrod about  the incident when Cletus demanded she cook his steak bloody rare. After receiving his rare steak, he complained she deliberately overcooked it to spoil the taste of his supper. For two long weeks, her evil stepfather rationed her food, only allowing her to eat stale hard bread and wash it down with warm water scoped out the toilets.
          Her grueling story of her past life extremely saddened Jarrod. H e stretched out his arms toward Kimber, and she responded, pressing her large breasts against his muscular chest. He gently rubbed her back with his long alien fingers.
           Jarrod's warm massaging touch through her sheer nightgown rapidly excited her. Her breathing increased and her toes uncontrollably curled. His long fourteen fingers feel like sexual probes, searching for her numerous female hot spots. She looked up at Jarrod and their lips touched with a passionate kiss. She can feel his exceedingly long alien tongue enter her mouth and dance with her human tongue. She imagined what other alien parts of his male body are exceedingly long. Following their sexual motivating kiss, Jarrod gazed into Kimber's golden brown eyes while he gently pushed her long auburn hair away from her face. "If you would allow me, I'd like to rescue you from your tormented life."
          "I'd love to be rescued, but my stepfather will eventually find me! Many times, I've escaped, and once I made it as far away as Zapata County, but he still found me. He's a well known, powerful Texas sheriff, plus he has a great deal of money that was my mother's inheritance from my father's parents."
          "Your stepfather will never locate you while you're living on home planet, which is located in the Love Solar System, near the Golden Way Galaxy, where you shall be my wife, and the queen of my world."
          Kimber blinked. "I don't understand."
          "I am the  official Guidance King of my magnificent world, and my soul purpose for this long journey to the Green-light Nebula was to search for a special female to be my wife; however, I have already found her. For you are the lovely female my ship's scanners detected. Within your essence is unlimited love. The moment I saw you from above, I realized you are the most beautiful female in the universe, and I instantly fell in love with you. I can sense your sexual desires, and I know I can fulfill your needs for as long as we live. My world is based on the power of ultimate love. The trillions of loving citizens on my planet are free to work and pursue happiness by the guidance of our republic political system who works for every living being, including our lower life animals."
          "Yes, I too believe animals have rights," voiced Kimber along with a wide smile. "Jarrod, your said you ship transferred our world history into your brain, so you obviously know we have many problems."
          "Yes, but your world is young. If your human citizens do not exterminate themselves, then they will eventually learn the true meaning of love, and they will establish a worldwide freedom guided by a group of law givers who work for the individual rights of all who exist."
          "Your world sounds so beautiful."
          "Oh, it is. My planet is a little larger than your earth, with a greater landmass, but in many ways, it is similar. Do you need time to make your decision?" 
          "You're actually asking me to be your wife?"
          "Yes, and our queen" he replied, nodding his head while his extra large ears slowly waved like fins on a fish. "I do love you, and we are physically compatible to have offspring."
          She studied his handsome facial features for a long moment. "It's hard to believe, but I feel the love you have for me within my heart, and I also feel my love for you."
          "Our kiss was a chemical bounding of our internal fluids."
          "Our kiss was magnificent!"
          Again, Jarrod passionately kissed Kimber.
          It was as if Kimber lost all self-control. She reached down and swiftly removed her mother's gown, exposing her naked body to the male alien, and then she proceeded to help him remove his clothing. His handsome male body is beyond perfect, and upon noticing Jarrod is well endowed  with a multi-jointed alien tool, she smiled like a child entering through the gates of Disney World for the first time. For the next two hours, they made fervent love upon the roof. Each exploring each other's alien bodies, creating the most excitable sexual enjoyment they have ever encountered in their lives.
          While Jarrod is holding Kimber in his muscular arms, thus allowing their countless internal explosions to subside, he again asked her to be his wife and fly away with him.
          "Oh yes. Let's leave right now."
          Jarrod waved his hand and her electronic dog collar magically vanished.
          Within a blink of an eye, Jarrod's spacecraft returned, and the bluish beam of light instantly transported their naked bodies aboard. From upon a soft heart-shaped bed with red satin-like sheets, Kimber and Jarrod gazed out a large portal window to watch the earth rapidly disappear in the distance.
          The following morning, Kimber's evil stepfather and stepbrothers woke up without the usual smell of breakfast being cooked. They each screamed like frightened Banshees when they noticed their noses have been replaced with their genitals.

The End!
© September 2011

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